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Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutRights.ftl
<strong>The Services are provided “as-is.” { -vendor-short-name }, its contributors, licensors, and distributors, disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including without limitation, warranties that the Services are merchantable and fit for your particular purposes. You bear the entire risk as to selecting the Services for your purposes and as to the quality and performance of the Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so this disclaimer may not apply to you.</strong>
<strong>Ushbu xizmat "boricha" koʻrsatiladi. { -vendor-short-name }, uning dasturchilar, litsenziya egalari va tarqatuvchilari barcha kafolatlarni rad etishadi (tezlik yoki biror narsaga tegishli, shaxsiy maqsadlarda foydalanish yoki savdo maqsadidagi xizmatlarda). Xizmatlar ijrosi va sifatiga munosabatda va maqsadlaringiz uchun xizmat tanlash bilan siz butun xavf-xatarni o‘z zimmangizga olasiz. Bir nechta huquqiy hujjatlar istisno yoki kafolatga ta’sir qiladigan cheklovlarga ruxsat bermaydi, shunday ekan ushbu rad qilishning sizga aloqasi yo‘q.</strong>
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